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Jerash - Discovering the Timeless Treasures of Jordan

Updated: May 23, 2023

Located in northern Jordan, Jerash is an ancient city that dates back to the Hellenistic period. Known for its well-preserved ruins, this city is sometimes referred to as"Eastern Pompeii". For history enthusiasts, archaeology aficionados, and travelers seeking a unique cultural experience, Jerash is a must-visit destination.

The Legacy of Jerash

Founded by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC, Jerash has a rich history that spans several civilizations, including the Romans. Under Roman rule, the city became one of the most prosperous and important cities. After centuries of decline, the city was rediscovered in the 20th century and its ruins were excavated and restored.

Sights to See in Jerash

Walking along the ancient paved streets of Jerash, surrounded by well-preserved ruins, is an unforgettable experience. Visitors can see the impressive Roman-style triumphal arch, the South Gate, and the colonnaded streets that run through the city center. The Temple of Zeus, built in the 2nd century AD, is one of the best-preserved temples of its kind in the world and a must-see attraction. The theater, used for musical and theatrical performances, and the Hippodrome, where chariot races were held, are also worth visiting.

Another notable street in Jerash is the Cardo Maximus, which was the main thoroughfare during the Roman era. Visitors can still see the remains of the shops that once lined the street and imagine what life was like in the city centuries ago.

Aside from its historical sites, Jerash also boasts beautiful parks and gardens, perfect for those seeking some peace and quiet. The Jerash Archaeological Park is a popular spot for picnics and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Visiting Jerash: Tips and Tricks

Jerash is located just an hour's drive from the capital city of Amman and is easily accessible. The best time to visit is from April to October when temperatures are mild and the weather is pleasant. To avoid crowds, it's recommended to arrive early in the day.

In conclusion, Jerash is a unique and captivating destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list. Its well-preserved ruins, rich history, and beautiful parks and gardens make it a truly unforgettable experience. So, why wait? Plan your visit to Jerash today and uncover the timeless treasures of this ancient city!

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